
14 06, 2016

Weeds, dandelions and crabgrass


Let’s be honest, talking about weeds gets your blood boiling just a little. Preventing and controlling weeds are possibly the most frustrating aspects of lawn care. Finding your strength and willpower being challenged by the strength and willpower of a plant can make your frustration peak to the point of complete helplessness. Weeds don’t need [...]

Weeds, dandelions and crabgrass2016-06-14T10:41:40+00:00
6 06, 2016

Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitos


Okay, picture spending a beautiful day in your back yard with your friends and family. Now, picture constantly having to be making sure ticks aren’t crawling on anyone… or maybe picture constantly having to swat mosquitoes away from you and your friends. The picture started to not look very fun, right? That’s right, because ticks [...]

Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitos2019-04-27T23:58:14+00:00
1 04, 2016

Horticultural Oil


Personally, I find this word incredibly hard to pronounce, but let's work it out together. What is Horticultural Oil? - Horticultural oil is an oil that can be applied to plants to control insects, mites and diseases. "How does it control them?"  Hort oil, when applied to the plant surface, suffocates the insects It also Disrupts [...]

Horticultural Oil2016-04-01T08:30:07+00:00
21 03, 2016

Crabgrass control and spring seeding


Okay, so last week we talked about de-thatching, remember? I hope you took that generous knowledge and put it to good use, and I hope you’ll consider how helpful it (hopefully) was for you and continue reading this with high expectations and low likelihood of disappointment. Because these next steps are just as useful as [...]

Crabgrass control and spring seeding2016-03-21T10:34:50+00:00
11 03, 2016

Spring Lawn Service; De-thatching


Picture this... You're talking to your neighbor. They are going on and on and on about their gorgeous lawn. They just measured the grass in front of you, putting the ruler up to your face chanting that they have the perfect height of grass. They boast endlessly about their shiny flowers and weed-less environment. You [...]

Spring Lawn Service; De-thatching2016-03-11T20:21:32+00:00
10 03, 2016

Spring Game Plan


I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it is already MARCH. March is just one step away from April and you know what they say about April… April showers bring May flowers. And you know what the say about showers… showers are the weather of spring. Which means that April is probably spring, am I [...]

Spring Game Plan2016-03-10T13:07:14+00:00
29 02, 2016

Lawn Mowing Tips


Mowing a lawn seems simple enough… just pull the string really hard or climb onto the cushioned seat and start forth toward a tamed lawn and pleased neighbors. Maybe it really is that simple. BUT have you ever stopped to consider that maybe every single mowing strategy or technique you have devoted yourself to could [...]

Lawn Mowing Tips2016-02-29T13:03:28+00:00
25 02, 2016

Winter Damage; snow mold and voles


As the snow melts, a little earlier this year, there will more than likely be some damage to your lawn that happened during the winter. Two of the biggest problems are voles and snow mold. Snow mold is simple to deal with if identified property. Voles are a nuisance and can be tough to rid [...]

Winter Damage; snow mold and voles2016-02-25T10:37:29+00:00
15 02, 2016

Lawn mower maintenance


Lawn mowing is a critical job to a healthy lawn and if done poorly, the lawn will be limited and weak areas will die off. In order to properly cut the lawn, your mower has to be running in peak performance. In this post, we'll go over some of the simple steps to get your [...]

Lawn mower maintenance2016-02-15T17:47:38+00:00
8 02, 2016

New Site and Blog


The new site is up and running, along with our revamped blog page. We look forward to providing great information throughout the year to all homeowners interested in a healthy lawn. The archives have some helpful posts from last year, and we will continue to add a lot of content. To keep up with all [...]

New Site and Blog2016-02-08T16:38:34+00:00