
12 02, 2021

Crabgrass control with fertilizer


DIMENSION 0.10% Plus Fertilizer is an herbicide that provides control of crabgrass and other grassy weeds, as well as some broadleaf weeds in established lawns. This product is labeled for 'pre-emergence and early post emergence control'. The granular treatment can be a little bit of a stretch with the 'post' control though, the liquid can [...]

Crabgrass control with fertilizer2021-02-12T02:45:47+00:00
10 02, 2021

Different Grass Types


  What is the right grass? This can be a daunting question, because of the large variety options available. Well, let's shorten the list of options and make the choice a little more simple. First, certain grass types only grow in certain regions - take a look at the map. Here in New England, we [...]

Different Grass Types2021-02-10T03:32:58+00:00
22 01, 2021

Great Care Plus!!


What is Great Care Plus? It's our 6 Step Program with added services, wrapped into a convenient monthly payment. It is a membership for your lawn and the results will launch your lawn into the greatest on the block! It's completely unique and provides your lawn with exactly what it needs. Let's take a look [...]

Great Care Plus!!2021-02-17T14:33:18+00:00
24 03, 2020

2020 Program


Welcome to a new season! Looks like it may start earlier than normal, and we are hopeful for that. The past several years have started well into April with late snow storms, so maybe a little sooner this year. And we are ready to go! Our fertilizer treatments remain similar. Crabgrass control early in the [...]

2020 Program2020-03-24T01:21:40+00:00
7 10, 2019

Looking to join our Great team!?…


Thank you for your interest in our company and in the landscaping industry. We genuinely look forward to meeting with you. By submitting this short form, the process of joining our team has just started. We provide a great service to our customers and give them the results they are looking for - Can you help [...]

Looking to join our Great team!?…2019-10-07T14:54:26+00:00
6 09, 2019

Lawn aeration season!


What is the one of the most beneficial things to do to the lawn? Aerate and overseed! And the fall is the best time to get this done. If you are familiar with the process and would like to get scheduled, contact us right away as we book up quickly. For those who want [...]

Lawn aeration season!2019-09-06T19:38:28+00:00
26 08, 2019

Need a lawn renovation? Check out our plan – it works great!


Lawn need a little help? Or maybe a lot? Slice seed, fertilizer, amp, water, repeat --> Easy?! Of course, Hey everyone, thanks for checking in and welcome to fall. Haha, it's still August but many of you may have turned on the heat last night. Well, we are nothing but flexible with the weather, so [...]

Need a lawn renovation? Check out our plan – it works great!2019-08-26T18:41:04+00:00
29 05, 2019

What is Red Thread?


After all this rain, does the lawn look like has dying patches?? Well, don't crank up the watering, it's the opposite. The grass is too wet and probably has developed a disease. There are ways to fix it, but first, let's discuss what it is. Red thread is a fungus and a turfgrass disease that [...]

What is Red Thread?2019-05-29T02:04:42+00:00
3 04, 2019

What is Crabgrass?


CRABGRASS!! AHHHH! Okay, raise your hand if you know what crabgrass is. Well, let's keep reading because even if your hand is up, a little more knowledge never hurt anyone (especially when you're learning how to make your lawn the greatest spot in town). Crabgrass is an annual weed - it drops seeds throughout the [...]

What is Crabgrass?2021-04-02T20:16:50+00:00
24 02, 2019

Thank you for contacting us!


Great Care is a small, local company and it's our privilege to have the opportunity to serve you! We are a modern, 21st century company and will be in touch with you very quickly to provide an accurate quote. Please keep in mind that we work with a lot of your neighbors and we do [...]

Thank you for contacting us!2019-02-24T15:10:39+00:00