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Mow Your Lawn Frequently!

As the spring and summer months roll around, you may start to take more time in mowing your lawn. In order to keep a healthy and green lawn, it would be ideal to mow it on a regular basis, even twice a week during growing seasons. What are the benefits of mowing your lawn frequently? Let’s go over some of these benefits that your lawn may get from a steady pace of mowing.

  • A Healthy Lawn: One of the biggest benefits of regularly mowing your lawn is that you will keep your lawn healthy. Ideally, you want to mow your lawn at least once a week, maybe more during the growing season.  Your grass can benefit from a cut by allowing more water and sun to penetrate each blade of grass. Think of working out the muscles – as you work out, the muscle tears and as it heals, it becomes stronger. This is a similar concept of mowing the lawn. Stress the leaf blade and as it heals, it grows stronger.
  • Fighting Pests: Another reason why you want to mow your lawn on a regular basis is that you can prevent pests from living in the grass. If you let your blades of grass grow tall enough, all types of pests will be able to hide in your lawn. These can include roaches, fleas, ticks and other unwanted critters. Frequent mowing can also help to prevent weeds to grow along with your lawn. So during those summer months when the grass isn’t growing as quickly, it is a good idea to continue with the weekly mowing to keep the weeds down.
  • The Proper Height: If you get used to mowing your lawn on a frequent basis, you’ll get to know the right way to cut it, such as the correct height. You will have to find that perfect height without it being too low or too high. One rule to follow is to leave the blades of your grass at about 3 to 3 ½ inches long. As you mow your grass more frequently, you’ll develop muscle memory, and it will become a much easier job. When in doubt, raise the blade up.
  • Mulching: Mulching a lawn can help keep it healthy, so don’t bag. The clippings have nutrients in the grass blade that can be broken back down into the soil. A common concern is the clippings build up a thatch layer, but if you keep your mower in good working condition then those clippings won’t be much of a problem.
  • Sense of Pride: A well manicured lawn can be extremely rewarding and can give you a sense of pride and accomplishment. Especially throwing down some stripes on a healthy green lawn. Mowing the lawn is calming, so sharpen up the blade, crank up the mower and go give the lawn a trim.

Here are a couple other posts about caring for the mower and some more mowing techniques! A properly cared for mower and a sharp blade will ensure the blades are cut cleanly.Funny Lawn Quotes Cutting (Page 1) - Line.17QQ.com


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