
14 05, 2015

Weed Killer (Dandelions)


"A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows" - Doug Larson The most recognizable and annoying weed that is dealt with is the yellow flowers and the eventual puffball of seeds of the dandelions (taraxacum).  They sprout extremely quickly as the weather turns and [...]

Weed Killer (Dandelions)2015-05-14T21:27:05+00:00
17 04, 2015



As the lawn starts to dry out and harden up a little bit, it is time to think about de-thatching the lawn. A lawn is a living thing and needs to be able to breathe, as well as have access to valuable nutrients, water and sunlight. A thatch layer is built up over time from [...]

3 04, 2015

Spring lawn care


Almost here, almost. The amount of snow we've had and the amount of time the lawn has been under it, means it will need some time to adjust. The lawn will be extremely soggy, so don't jump out on it right away to clean up the sticks and the dog mess. Let it heal a [...]

Spring lawn care2015-04-03T10:22:07+00:00
27 03, 2015

Hiring a lawn care company


I want to build off the last post a little bit by adding some ideas when looking to hire a lawn care company. If you read "What is the best lawn care company", there will be some repetition here. But I want to quickly go over some things to look for as a homeowner to [...]

Hiring a lawn care company2015-03-27T10:23:48+00:00
17 03, 2015

What is the best lawncare company?


The best company around is a difficult thing to quantify in a service industry, but let's take a shot, shall we? Spend a couple minutes with this post to help guide your decision when picking out a lawn care provider. The 'Lawn Care Industry' is different than the landscape industry. We are talking specifically about [...]

What is the best lawncare company?2015-03-17T15:16:21+00:00
9 02, 2015

Ice Dams


It's been an impressive winter so far this year with incredible storms and cold temperatures. We just posted an interesting article about ice dams, what causes them and ways to fix them. Page 8 has an interesting tip to help the water find it's way off the roof.

Ice Dams2015-02-09T19:41:32+00:00
22 01, 2015



Great care will be hiring lawn care technicians in the spring.  We have an email link at the bottom of our homepage, click it and send along a resume.  A driver's license is a must.  A pesticide license is not mandatory, we can train you and prep you for the test.  Please apply, thanks

22 01, 2015



Great care has established a facebook page, twitter handle, a linkedin page and also a google + page to help stay updated with our customers.  Please check any or all of those links for updates and seasonal advice through out the year.

29 04, 2013

Preemergence control


The calendar is turning to May, but it has been a late start for the growing season.  There is still time to get the initial treatment of crabgrass control down.  We plan on having all or our round 1 applications down shortly.  If we have yet to get to your lawn, have no fear, we will be there.

Preemergence control2013-04-29T21:26:01+00:00
2 04, 2013

Winter over?


Flurries still in the air, but warmer later this week.  Up in the 50's and the season is only days away.  Before starting out on the lawn, give it a chance to wake up.  Light raking and picking up debris is fine, but keep the machines off until the weather is consistently warm.  We've waited [...]

Winter over?2013-04-02T10:46:16+00:00