
Clover is one that youImage result for lawn clover may not be able to picture right away, so close your eyes and simply imagine a small flower that has multiplied by 1000 (maybe) and completely speckled your lawn. Those are clovers. Most lawns have these weeds, and they really don’t do any harm besides some visual upset. These are more commonly found in white, so they tend to stand out in the average lawn.

Because these don’t do any harm, there really is no consequence of ignoring them. However, if you really don’t like to look at clovers flooding your lawn, there are things that you could do to control them. There are fertilizer applications that can help prevent clovers. If you’d rather go a product-less route, though, simply setting your lawn mower blade to three inches or higher will keep shade over areas that would normally provide sunlight for these clovers. Mowing also mows off seed heads, which will help prevent further distribution of the clover seeds.

NutsedgeImage result for nutsedge

Probably the least commonly-known among the four mentioned, nutsedge is a grass-like weed with a spiky head of purple or yellow. Nutsedges grow quickly and are lighter than grass, so they will stick out greatly in your lawn. These are tough weeds to control because they grow from tubers that form on roots that can get up to 14 inches deep. If you pull out the roots, the tubers can still stay behind and end up growing more. How frustrating is that?

To control these, changing the way you mow could help tremendously. Just like clover, mowing higher will help crowd out nutsedge. There are also ways such as removing the plants before they develop tubers, this is usually before they have five to six leaves. You can also reduce the amount of weeds by drying, shading, and using herbicides on the area. Tubers, though, are the key. Along the lines of these, if you find nutsedge, dig out the patch down to at least eight inches deep, refill, and then seed or sod the patch.

Hopefully you have learned a little about the different types of weeds that can pop up and the different ways to control each one. Weeds don’t have to be an upsetting topic of conversation. Soon, controlling weeds will become one of your bragging points and will impress even the most professional lawn care individuals.