Welcome to a new season! Looks like it may start earlier than normal, and we are hopeful for that. The past several years have started well into April with late snow storms, so maybe a little sooner this year. And we are ready to go!
Our fertilizer treatments remain similar. Crabgrass control early in the season, insecticide in the summer and all the proper nutrients throughout the year. We schedule visits approximately 6 weeks apart unless otherwise needed for trouble lawns. The way the program is set up – provide seasonal nutrients and prevention for weeds and insects.
One concentration we have and continue to improve is weed control. The most common issue with lawns is weeds? Of course! Dandelions, clover and crabgrass are the biggest issues with most lawns. We tackle these weeds, and many others, in a variety of ways. Several weeds are discussed in other blog posts, so what we wanted to add here is what our plan is for the upcoming year.
This coming year we will continue with our added crabgrass prevention measure later in the spring. We apply a product called dimension and it provides protection for 12 weeks. The first treatment is granular dimension, and we follow that up with a liquid treatment later in the spring in the trouble areas.
We also work with the best products and use what is necessary to kill the specific weed without wasting product. Identifying the weeds and know what product to use is a large part of our process, along with using new and well kept equipment ensures proper coverage and great results.
For the upcoming season, we encourage our customers to take advantage of our complimentary service visits to stay on top of the weeds. The hard truth about weeds is that they do ‘grow like weeds’. They can pop up overnight. More grass is the best way to prevent weeds, but we do have methods to take care of them.
Thank you for being a valued customer of ours and we look forward to another great season!