After the incredible damage caused by a waive of caterpillars last year, let’s protect our landscape early, before that happens again. We can spray every tree on your property and along the wood line to make sure they do not hatch this year. One dormant oil spray will typically take care of the problem, making sure to get good coverage over the entire tree, top to bottom. This oil smothers any over wintering eggs, but needs to be done in a timely manner. Typically towards the end of the winter and into the start of the spring, there is a window to spray. When the weather begins to warm up, but not warm enough to hatch.

Dormant Spray in action – in this video, we are spraying a hemlock tree to take care of woolly adelgid. But the same process is used for spraying caterpillars.

Here is a good article talking about the rise of the moths over the past couple seasons. Caterpillars

Please contact our office to set up a dormant oil spray on your property, the window to spray is small so let’s get them set up. Pricing depends on the size of the property, but starts out at $50. We can spray the smaller trees with a backpack sprayer. And our tank sprayer takes care of larger areas and trees, up to 30 feet in the air.

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