6-Step Lawn Care Program
Our Lawn Care Program consists of 6 scheduled treatments of granular fertilizer along with liquid weed control. Each application is season specific and will be scheduled 6 weeks apart. We also offer complimentary service visits between regular scheduled applications. Our pricing and our services are upfront so you can compare the two. Contact us for a price and we can go over the program in great detail with you.
We are an eco-friendly business that offers organic alternatives and we always strive to improve resource conservation.
Round 1:
Crab Grass Control w/ Fertilizer
Crabgrass is one of the most common weeds found in residential lawns. When using a herbicide for control, proper timing is critical, which is why our teams utilize a Dimension 0.15% + fertilizer. This approach provides ‘pre-emergence’ control of crabgrass and can also provide ‘early post-emergence’ control of crabgrass during early stages.
Round 2:
Turf Fertilizer
Premium fertilizer (18-0-6 powered by AMP-XC) combined and blended with protein-hydrolysates and humic acids works to increase your lawn’s ability to absorb macronutrients. This step is a great treatment that provides a good dose of fertilizer, and the AMP-XC nutrients helps the fertilizer become far more effective.
Round 3:
Grub Control With Fertilizer
Professional grade, slow release fertilizer (17-0-3 3% Fe with MALLET–Lambda) is applied to your lawn to help control insects above and below the ground. This will act as a long-term protective element that serves to keep your soil healthy and promote the development of strong root systems.
Round 5:
Turf Fertilizer With Trace Minerals
Premium fertilizer (18-0-6 powered by AMP-XC) combined and blended with protein-hydrolysates and humic acids works to increase your lawn’s ability to absorb macronutrients. This step is a great treatment that provides a good dose of fertilizer, and the AMP-XC nutrients helps the fertilizer become far more effective.